This project is capable of barring STD, ISD and Mobile calls. Further this project cuts the local calls after desired interval. Before disconnecting the system will given a beep sound which will enable the customer to continue after giving start pulse.
The purpose of developing the project is to automate the existing system. If the existing system in the Bank is manual. All the data processing is done manually and hence the system is very slow. The data are stored in different types of registers.
Getting a particular data is very difficult. In the existing system the calculations needs a lot of time and resources and also calculations are very much prone to errors. This system causes very much difficulty both to the employees and to customers.
In order to avoid the above-mentioned disadvantages we decide to develop the software "Local PCO Meter". The new system uses VB. 6.0 as its platform, which is more users friendly. Along with VB 6.0, Oracle 8.0 is used as the database server on Windows 98 platform. As a result the new system has been able to overcome all the disadvantages of the existing system.